What will be the Cost of Boundary Fencing Per Acre | Metal Fence Estimate:
In this Article today we will talk about the What Will be the Cost of Boundary Fencing | Fence Cost Estimator | Fence Cost Calculator | Fencing Cost Per Acre | How to Calculate Cost of Fencing | Metal Fence Estimate
What is Fence?
A fence is a structure that encloses an area, typically outdoors, and is usually constructed from posts that are connected by boards, wire, rails or netting. A fence differs from a wall in not having a solid foundation along its whole length.

How Much Does It Cost to Fence One Acre of Land?
Now, let us find out the answer for one of the FAQs “What will be the cost of boundary fencing per acre?”
My response is, This is a non-answerable wrong question.
The reason is, the area of any land does not define its perimeter. The cost differs from one land to another having the same measured area.
I will illustrate this with the following 2 examples. Fence Cost Estimator
1. Land no 1:
Given data:
Length of side AB = CD = 208 ft.
Length of side AD = BC = 209.42 ft.
Area of rectangular land = [length × breadth]
= [209.42 ft. × 208 ft.]
= 43,560 sq ft. = 1 acre
[ As 1acre = 43,560 sq ft.] Fence Cost Calculator
Perimeter of land no 1.
= [side AB + side BC + side CD + side DA]
= [208 ft. + 209.42 ft. + 208 ft. + 209.42 ft.]
= 834.84 ft. How to Calculate Cost of Fencing
2. Land no 2:
Given data:
Length of side AB = CD = 80 ft.
Length of side AD = BC = 544.5 ft.
Area of rectangular land = [length × breadth]
= [544.5 ft. × 80 ft.]
= 43,560 sq ft. = 1 acre
[ As 1acre = 43,560 sq ft.]
The perimeter of land no 2.
= [side AB + side BC + side CD + side DA]
= [80 ft. + 544.5 ft. + 80 ft. + 544.5 ft.]
= 1249 ft.
Now, let us consider installing a barbed-wire fence of the same height for both types of land.
Before proceeding further, go through the article👇 Fence Cost Calculator
Estimation & Costing of Barbed Wire Fencing for Land or
Calculating the Cost of Barbed Wire Fencing for the Land:
Let us find out the material & labor cost for barbed wire fencing for the land.
Material cost:
Sl.No. Description Quantity Rate Unit Amount
1. RCC fencing poles 40.0 270 no. 10,800.00
2. Boulder for packing 0.42417 1400 cum 593.83
3. Cement bags for
concreting 6.837 400 bag 2734.80
4. Sand for concreting 0.3563 2200 cum. 783.86
5. Aggregate for
concreting 0.4751 1850 cum. 878.93
6. Barbed wire for
fencing 37.88 150 kg. 5682.00
Total material cost for fencing = INR/Rs 21,473.42
Labor cost:
Sl.No. Description Quantity Rate Unit Amount
1. Earthwork excavation
for the fencing pole 1.27251 800 cum 1017.60
2. Installation and
concreting the pole 40 120 no. 4800.00
3. Tying fencing wire 840 3 meter 2520.00
Total labor cost for fencing = INR/Rs 8337.00
The total cost of fencing the land = [total material cost + labor cost]
= [ 21473.42 + 8337]
= INR/Rs. 29810.42
Cost per running ft.
= [total cost ÷ perimeter of the land in ft.]
= [29810.42 ÷ 260 ft.]
= 114.65/R.FT.
= 376.64 / running meter. How to Calculate Cost of Fencing
1. Cost of fencing for land 1:
= [ perimeter × fence cost/ r ft.]
= [ 834.84 ft. × 114.65/-]
= INR 95,714.4/-
2. Cost of fencing for land 2:
= [ perimeter × fence cost/ r ft.]
= [ 1249 ft. × 114.65/-]
= INR 1,43,197.85/-
Note: The fencing cost / r ft. is taken from the above-linked article.
Difference in Cost:
The difference in the fencing cost of land 1 & land 2
= [1,43,197.85 – 95, 714.4]
= 47,483.45/-
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Here the perimeter and the length of the rectangular pool are given. We have to find the width of the pool.

Given that, the perimeter is 5656 meters and the length is 1616 meters. So, substitute these values into the formula.
Subtract 3232 from both sides.
Divide each side by 22 .
Therefore, the width of the rectangular pool is 1212 meters.
How far apart should fence posts be? In general, T-posts are spaced between 8-12 feet apart, depending on what you’re trying to contain or keep out. Closer spacing is suggested for large livestock, like cattle, while wider spacing is fine for fending off deer and other large pests
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A fence is necessary to keep the privacy of any land. It keeps out the intruders who may otherwise encroach upon the land. It is a good thing even for neighboring houses. The Neighbours might be friendly towards each other.