General Specification for Residential Building | First Class Building | 2nd Class Building | 3rd Class Building | 4th Class Building
In this article we will discuss about the General Specification for Residential Building | First Class Building | 2nd Class Building | 3rd Class Building | 4th Class Building
General specification for residential building or brief specifications gives the nature and class of the work and materials in general terms to be used in the various parts of the work from the foundation to the superstructure. it is a short description of different parts of the work specifying materials, proportion, qualities, etc. general specifications give generals idea of the whole work or structure and are useful for preparing the estimate.
For general idea, the general specification of different (first, second, third, fourth) class of buildings are given below. These will of course vary according to the necessity and type of works.
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- Foundation and Plinth :- Foundation and plinth shall be of first class brick work in lime mortar or 1 : 6 cement mortar over lime concrete or 1 : 4 : 8 cement concrete.
- Damp Proof Course :- D.P.C. shall be 2.5 cm thick cement concrete 1 : 1.5 : 3, mixed with one kg of impermo per bag of cement or other standard water proofing materials as specified and painted with two coats of bitumen.
- Superstructure :- Superstructure shall be of first class with lime mortar or 1 : 6 cement mortar. lintels over doors and windows shall be of R.C.C.
- Roof :- Roofs shall be of R.C.C slab with an insulation layers and lime concrete terracing above, supported over R.S joists or R.C.C beams as required. height of rooms shall not be less than 3.7 m.
- Flooring :- Drawing room and dining room floors shall be of mosaic. Both room and W.C floors and dado shall be of mosaic. Floors of bed rooms shall be colored and polished of 2.5 cm cement concrete over 7.5 cm lime concrete. Floors of others shall be of 2.5 cm cement concrete over 7.5 cm lime concrete polished.
- Finishing :- Inside and outside shall be of 12 mm cement lime plastered 1 : 1 : 6 Drawing, dining and bed rooms inside shall be distempered, and others inside white washed 3 coats. Outside shall be coloured snowcem washed two two coats over one coat of white wash.
- Door and Windows :- Chaukhats shall be seasoned teak wood. shutters shall be teak, wood 4.3 cm thick penelled glazed or partly penelled and partly glazed as required, with additional wire gauge shutters. all fittings shall be of brass. Doors and windows shall be varnished or painted two coats with high class enamel paints over one coat of priming. windows shall be provided with iron gratins or grills.
- For Other materials :- Rain water pipes of cast iron or of asbestos cement shall be provided and finished painted. Building shall be provided with 1st class sanitary and water fittings and electrical installation. one meter wide 7.5 cm thick C.C 1 : 3 : 6 apron shall be provided
- Foundation and Plinth :- Foundation and plinth shall be of first class brick work lime mortar over lime concrete.
- Dam Proof Course :- D.P.C. shall be 2 cm thick cement concrete 1 : 2, mixed with one kg of impermo per bag of cement or other standard water proofing materials.
- Superstructure :- Superstructure shall be of 2nd class brickwork in lime mortar. lintels over doors and windows shall be of R.B.
- Roofing :- Roofs shall be of R.B slab with an 7.5 cm lime concrete terracing above( or flat terraced roof supported over wooden battens and beams, or jack arch roof),verandah roof shall be of A.C sheet or allahabad tiles. floor shall be of brick tile or flag stone over lime concrete, finished cement pointed.
- Flooring :- Floors shall be of 2.5 cm cement concrete over 7.5 cm lime concrete. verandah floor shall be of brick tile or flag stone over lime concrete, finished cement pointed.
- Finishing :- Inside and outside shall be of 12 mm cement mortar plastered 1 : 6 ceiling shall be cement plastered 1 : 3. Inside shall be white washed 3 coats, Outside shall be coloured washed two coats over one coat of white wash.
- Door and Windows :- Chaukhats shall be R.C.C or well seasoned sal wood. shutters shall be shisham wood or deodar wood 4 cm thick, panelled, glazed or partly penelled and partly glazed as required, fitted with iron fittings. Doors and windows shall be painted two coats over one coat of priming.
- For Other materials :- Rain water pipes shall be of cast iron finished painted. Electrification, sanitary and water fittings may be provided if required.
- Foundation and Plinth :- Foundation and plinth shall be of 2nd class brick work lime mortar over lime concrete.
- Dam Proof Course :- D.P.C. shall be 2 cm thick cement mortar 1 : 2, mixed with standard water proofing materials.
- Superstructure :- Superstructure shall be of 2nd class brickwork in mud mortar. Door and Windows opening shall be provided with arches of 2nd class brickwork in lime mortar or with wooden planks.
- Roofing :- Roofs shall be of mud over tiles or bricks or planks over wooden beams or of tiles or G.I sheets sloping roof.
- Flooring :- Floors shall be of brick on edge floor over well rammed earth.
- Finishing :- Inside and outside shall be plastered with lime mortar and white washed three coats.
- Door and Windows :- Chaukhats shall be of sal wood. shutters shall be chir mango or other country wood. Doors and windows shall be painted two coats with ordinary paint over one coat of priming.
- Foundation and Superstructure :- Foundation and superstructure shall be of sun dried or kutcha bricks in mud mortar. door and windows openings shall be provided with arches of 2nd class brickwork in lime mortar or with wooden planks. inside and outside shall be water proof mud plastered.
- Roofing :- Roofs shall be of tiles roof over bamboo and wooden support.
- Flooring :- Floors shall be kutcha or earthen floor finished with gobri washing (cowdung lepping).
- Door and Windows :- Chaukhats shall be of chir or mango wood, or country wood.
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